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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Hawthorns Primary School


Regular school attendance is important for children if they are to take advantage of the education opportunities available. Children should only be absent from school for reasons of ill health or unavoidable medical treatment. If there are other circumstances that necessitate your child's absence from school you should speak to the Headteacher.

If your child is away you must inform the school of the reason. Hawthorns Primary School recommends the Studybugs App as the safest and most efficient way of reporting absence. The Studybugs App is available for iPhone, Android and Windows Phone, or you can use the Studybugs website link below. If you do not have a mobile phone or access to the internet, please contact the school office before 9am, on the morning of the absence on 01903 268174. Please report absence on each day of your child's sickness in order for it to be considered for authorisation. If the school does not receive a satisfactory notification of the reason for absence an unauthorised absence code will be entered into the register. This is in line with legislation on school attendance.

Report your child's absence on either:

  • Studybugs
  • Telephone: 01903 268174


Term time holidays will no longer be authorised unless there are exceptional and compelling circumstances. All requests for absence need to be in writing within two weeks of the requested absence. Requests for absence should be made prior to any booking.

If your child is late for school please go to the school office to register him/her. Any lateness after 9.05am will be recorded as unauthorised absence.
