This school is governed by Schoolsworks and our core policies are determined by the academy trust and apply to all schools.
They cover key HR and Trust-wide issues and our Exclusions Policy.
Having a set of trust-wide policies ensures consistency and also reduces workload at school level. Any serious grievances, complaints or matters of safeguarding or confidential reporting relating to the school should be addressed to the officers of the academy trust.
Click here to see the Schoolsworks Policy Folder
School policies cover every aspect of school life. The link below will take you to a page where our most important policies are published. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.
Other Policies
Accessibility Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy 09.24 v5
Behaviour Policy
Charging and Remissions
Complaints procedure 12_22
Conflicts of Interest Policy - 09_23 Final
Equality Statement and Objectives
Intimate Care Policy
SW Safeguarding & CP Policy 2024-2025
SW Trust-wide Admissions Policy 2025-26_v2
Uniform Policy
Website Accessibility Statement.pdf